normal, everyday people with no special talents or powers to speak of. many of them are blissfully ignorant of the preternatural on-goings and the other beings that inhabit their small town. there are a few who are aware for one reason or another, the main one usually being a significant connect to a member of the preternatual community.

gifted humans
there are some humans who have been born with certain abilities or gifts (though there are some who might consider them a curse) that sets them apart from the 'average' and 'mundane'. they are still mortal and have all the strengths and weaknesses that all humans share.
✨precognition - the abilty to see or otherwise become directly aware of future events.

✨retrocognition - the ability to see or otherwise become directly aware of past events without the possibility of having expereinced them or known of them.

✨psychometry - the ability to glean accurate knowledge of an object's history by making physical contact with that object.

✨telepathy - the ability to read another person's mind and, in some cases, share thoughts with them. does not work on vampires.

✨telekinesis - the ability to move objects with one's mind.

✨auric energy reading - the ability to read the colored emanation said to enclose a human body, or any animal, or object.

✨empathy - the ability to sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, and animals whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions. does not work on fae or vampires.

✨mediumship - the ability to mediate communication between familiar spirits or spirits of the dead and living beings.